Может рисовать, явные, неявные, параметрические, функции, а также системы неравенств, суммы Римана, просто множетсво точек.
Очень много опций.
Бесплатный и работает на JavaScript.
Институт Математики и Механики им. Н.Н. Красовского УрО РАН
20.03.25 Семинар: С. Потоцкий. Разработка электронного устройства
12.03.25 Семинар: И.О.Михайлов Опыт создания нейрокомикса и обучения других
Может рисовать, явные, неявные, параметрические, функции, а также системы неравенств, суммы Римана, просто множетсво точек.
Очень много опций.
Бесплатный и работает на JavaScript.
Сайт бизнес-инкубатора УрФУ публикует информацию о конкурсах в области науки и образования, проводимых различными организациями - по Екатерибургу, Свердловской области и России. Очень полезный портал.
Dear HCI community,
We are proud to announce that our new encyclopedia is online!
This project is a labour of love. We believe that our community can do wonders for the world if the fruits of our collective (and hard) work is made even more accessible to the rest of the world. Especially those parts of the world who can't afford expensive textbooks.
Thus, our mission is about the Democratization of Knowledge: That people from all the far corners of the world can get free access to world-class educational materials on HCI.
Credit goes to all of you Б─⌠ even if you haven't contributed directly: It's the sum of your work throughout the last 3 decades that has made this project possible. There are so many clever people in HCI with so many brilliant ideas and we hope to spread them as far around the world as possible!
A last request: We need your help to spread the word. Please write about us on your blog and share a link on Facebook/Twitter:
We hope that you can use our educational materials in your HCI courses. The chapters accommodate different learning styles: Some students learn best when reading, others learn best from documentary-style videos or from trying out interactive figures.
Next steps:
- Continually improve the quality of chapters
- Make ebook/iPad version (free of course)
- Listen to critique/feedback/suggestions
Have a great day!
All the best,
Rikke and Mads
The mission of the Scientific Visualization Studio is to facilitate scientific inquiry and outreach within NASA programs through visualization. To that end, the SVS works closely with scientists in the creation of visualization products, systems, and processes in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science research activities at Goddard Space Flight Center and within the NASA research community. All the visualizations created by the SVS (currently totalling over 3,000) are accessible to you through this Web site. More recent animations are provided as MPEG-4s, MPEG-2s, and MPEG-1s. Some animations are available in high definition as well as NTSC format. Where possible, the original digital images used to make these animations have been made accessible. Lastly, high and low resolution stills, created from the visualizations, are included, with previews for selective downloading. |
Задача: оперативно получать графики функций, заданных аналитически, возможно неявно.
Варианты решения:
Небольшая, простая программа для отрисовки графиков. Графика симпатичная.
- среднее по графике средство, но зато здесь и сейчас. Работает на Яве.
- не очень широкоформатное, но зато основано на Wolfram Mathematica и содержит сохранение в растровые форматы.
http://www.softintegration.com/webservices/plot/cgi_func.html - еще одна рисовала 2 и 3-мерных графиков, неинтерактивная.
http://fooplot.com/ - интерактивная рисовалка 2-мерных графиков. Работает на Яве.
+7 (343) 362-81-45
г. Екатеринбург, ул. Софьи Ковалевской, 16, каб. 306 (новое здание)
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